Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Where the Luneau stuff is going...

I still have a lot to do on it, so it will be a while before I put up the final postings. But I am already getting a sense of where this seems to be taking me. I have a feeling I'm probably going to wind up pissing everyone off. Don't expect to see my results featured on either Tom Nelson's blog or the Cornell website...


At 7:25 PM, Blogger cyberthrush said...

you have me a bit baffled here; how do you manage to piss EVERYone off simultaneously? that's quite a trick...

At 7:47 PM, Blogger Bill Pulliam said...

Well you probably won't be pissed off since you're a self-proclaimed "Luneau Agnostic," but I can tell that I'm going to have to disagree with key parts of BOTH the CLO and the Sibley et al positions, thus most everyone will be aghast at my lack of capacity for logical reasoning and utter failure to see the simple and obvious truth. Well, everyone that bothers to read what I write, that is; which probaby won't be very many. I think most people tired of the topic long ago!


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