Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Fundamentalist Theocracy of the Glorious Republic of Texas

So, why exactly do we object to the suggestion that Texas might secede from the Union? This is beginning to sound like a better and better idea with each passing day. I think we should all put our full support behind the Texas Nationalist Movement. Then they'll be out of our hair and out of our politics; maybe there will even be a mass emigration from the U.S. to Texas of all the "like minded" people, and we can get some actual work done here!


At 1:03 PM, Blogger concolor1 said...

Good stuff, Bill . . .

Of course my objection to Texas seceding is they might annex Planet Utah here since they have so much in common (and both became parts of the United States following the Mexican War of 1845).

In the theocracy department, though, the Texicons are pikers compared to the Utahovians. Trust me on that one...

Well, one good thing that might come of it is the rest of the country would get somes school textbooks that told the truth for a change...

Instead of this travesty:


A last historical tidbit: Karl Rove did grow up in Salt Lake City, not far from me, in fact...

Keep plugging away, and maybe we'll get that bounty on poiticians yet...

At 1:59 PM, Blogger prairiewolf said...

Scary...You do know why the wind in Louisiana always blows east to west don't you?...'Cause Texas Sucks...Oh well, the bright side is that I could drive a couple of hours and call myself an international traveler....


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